Synastry, also known as relationship astrology, involves the comparison of two astrological charts to determine areas of strength and weakness in a relationship. ASTRALOMEN app provides most precise love horoscope. Enter names in fields NAME1 and NAME2, after entering two characters you will see list of names from a database, chose desired names. HOUSES – planetary placements, calculated from a person entered in the field NAME2, in the natal chart calculated from the person entered in the field NAME1 and meanings of those placements. ASPECTS – astrological relations between planets. CHART – placement of planets of a person in the field NAME2 in the natal chart of a person in the field NAME1. Using sliding bar you can decrease and increase chart image. You can share synastry chart with your partner.
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Your synastry report compares the relative positions of the planets and the houses between your chart and the chart of someone else. By looking at one persons chart, and measuring the distance in degrees from that persons planets to the planets in another personʼs chart, we can make certain predictions about where the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship are: whether it has staying power; in what ways the people involved are compatible or incompatible; which of the partners will take the lead in certain situations; and what problems these people may have to overcome in the course of their involvement with each other. The measurements we use to make these determinations are called aspects. The main aspects employed in synastry analysis are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition. When two planets are in conjunction, they are “within orb” (usually six to ten degrees) of being in the same degree of the same sign. When sextile, the planets are within orb of 60 degrees (two signs) apart; when square, 90 degrees (three signs) apart; trine, 120 degrees (four signs) apart; and opposition, 180 degrees (six signs) apart. Generally speaking, sextiles and trines are considered easy aspects. Squares and oppositions are usually more dynamic or tension producing aspects. Conjunctions can be either easy or difficult to handle, depending on the planets involved.
In addition to looking at the aspects between the planets in the two charts, we observe where the planets of one persons chart fall in the houses of the other. No matter what your sign is, all the other signs are represented in your chart as well. Your chart will show your rising sign or Ascendant on the first house cusp, and the other eleven signs on the cusps of the other eleven houses. Assuming for the moment that you have Aries rising, your second house will then be Taurus, your third house will be Gemini, your fourth will be Cancer, your fifth, Leo, and so on, throughout Gemini, your fourth will be Cancer, your fifth, Leo, and so on, throughout your chart. But, if you have Gemini rising, your second house will be Cancer, your third, Leo, your fourth, Virgo, and so on, throughout the signs. So, if you are a Taurus but your rising sign (also known as the Ascendant or First House cusp) is in Aries, your Sun will fall in your second house. Because the second house represents values, both tangible and intangible, your life force (Sun) will be focused to a great extent on what you value. If your rising sign is Scorpio, your Taurus Sun will fall in your seventh house (the house of marriage and important partnerships) and your life force will be strongly focused on meaningful relationship. If your rising sign is Capricorn, your Taurus Sun will fall in your fifth house, the house of romance, partying and children, and your life force will be focused on these issues. Just as your planets fall in different houses — and affect you in different ways, depending on the houses they are in — so the planets of the people in your life will fall in different houses of your chart . And the energies of these people will affect you in different ways, depending on which of your houses the planets fall into.