The horoscope is used for the interpretation of astrological symbols. Interpreting transits is one of the ancient astrological forecasting methods. Astralomen creates the horoscope based on the precise astronomical calculations, using a time accurate to within a second. ASPECTS- astrological relations between current position of planets and positions of planets in your natal chart. HOUSES – the current position of planets in the houses of the natal chart and the influences of those positions. CHART – chart of the current positions of planets in the natal chart, using sliding bar you can decrease and increase chart size. Rotate the phone to landscape mode for higher resolution of the chart image. You can share transits chart with your friends.
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Transiting planets are the planets as they appear in the sky now. As they wheel across the zodiac, they trigger your birth planets, presenting you with challenges and opportunities. The Babylonians connected their beliefs of divine intervention in their everyday life to space and time. They would forecast their future circumstances by observing space through time and relating ominous events, such as a lunar eclipses, to social, political, and environmental problems in aspects of their everyday lives. The Babylonians believed their gods activities influenced their own lives. These celestial events were viewed by the Babylonians as divine intervention in their lives using the influence the sun, moon, and planets, and to communicate when bad or good events were going to occur. Horoscopic astrology is significant to Babylonian beliefs, because associating the sun, moon, and planets with their gods shaped the way the Babylonians lived their lives and viewed the world around them. The parallels between horoscopes and nativity omens shows the benefice and malefic natures of the planets in Babylonian astrology. The Babylonians associated and created their beliefs around planets based on the nature of the god associated with it. The Babylonians recognized five planets – Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mercury and Mars. The Babylonian priests accordingly applied themselves to the task of perfecting a system of interpretation of the phenomena to be observed in the heavens, and that system was extended from the moon, sun and five planets to the more prominent and recognizable fixed stars. The interpretations themselves were based on the recollection or on written records of what in the past had taken place when the phenomenon or phenomena in question had been observed.
The most famous Roman astrologer was Thrasyllus a personal friend of the Roman emperor Tiberius, as mentioned in the Annals by Tacitus and The Twelve Caesars by Suetonius.Thrasyllus encountered Tiberius during the period of Tiberius’ voluntary exile on the Greek island of Rhodes, some time between 1 BC and 4 AD. Thrasyllus became the intimate and celebrated servant of Tiberius, and Tiberius developed an interest in Stoicism and Astrology from Thrasyllus.He predicted that Tiberius would be recalled to Rome and officially named the successor to Augustus (watch Robert Graves I Claudius). When Tiberius returned to Rome, Thrasyllus accompanied him and remained close to him.During the reign of the emperor Tiberius, Thrasyllus served as his skilled Court Astrologer both in Rome and, later, in Capri. As Tiberius held Thrasyllus in the highest honor, he rewarded him for his friendship by giving Roman citizenship to him and his family.The daughter-in-law of Tiberius, his niece Livilla, reportedly consulted Thrasyllus during her affair with Sejanus, Tiberius’ chief minister. Thrasyllus persuaded Tiberius to leave Rome for Capri while clandestinely supporting Sejanus. The grandson-in-law of Thrasyllus, Naevius Sutorius Macro, carried out orders that destroyed Sejanus, whether with Thrasyllus’ knowledge is unknown. He remained on Capri with Tiberius, advising the Emperor on his relationship with the various claimants to his succession. Thrasyllus was an ally who favored Tiberius’ great-nephew Caligula, who was having an affair with his granddaughter, Ennia Thrasylla.